Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Thrifty Bloggers

Over the weekend, Laurie of I Wana Know Belle and I decided to meet up to go thrifting. Laurie and I met a year ago when she came to the clothing swap that Erin of Work With What You've Got and I had. So when Laurie emailed me about having a swap again this year, we decided to get together to go thrifting since Erin and I weren't sure if we were going to have another swap this year. (If you're in the Dallas area and are interested in a swap, email me. If there is enough interest, we might do it again in January.)

Anyway, Laurie and I live quite a ways away from each other, so we met in one of the suburbs between us to get our thrift on. Normally when I meet people who read my blog or other bloggers (Laurie is both), I try to look nice. But poor Laurie got to meet me in all my blah glory. I had been working on the house all morning, plus I can't find any of my casual clothing right now, so I had on short, flips, and a T. She of course looked super cute! In fact, I heard two different people come up to her while we were in the store to compliment her on her outfit. Why didn't anyone come up to me to tell me that my schlumpy outfit was hot?!?! I just don't get it. hehe.

Anyway, we had a ton of fun and totally confused to store worker when we asked him to take our photo. Oh yeah, I bought an awesome flower brooch and Laurie picked up some Halloween decorations. Neither of us bought any clothes, though.