Friday, September 10, 2010

Fridge in the House

We rigged up an extension cord from our bathroom to our new fridge in the dining room, so now we can actually eat some fresh food. Now all I need to do is go to the store and actually buy some fresh food.

Check out our shiny new fridge and out shiny new dryer sitting next to it. ----------------------> Yes, they are both sitting in our dining room. All of our appliances are in the dining room. sigh.

Construction Capsule Day 9
What I Wore Now That We Finally Have a Fridge:

2010-09-02 combo
  • green skirt (thrifted)
  • aqua faux wrap shirt (It's so old that I can't remember)
  • black ruffle cardi (Target)
  • black flats (Simply Vera via Kohls)
  • ring (Etsy)
  • Scrabble tile necklace (Etsy)
  • earrings (Ross??)
What I Ate Before We Got The Fridge Set-up:

2010-09-02 food
  • breakfast: donettes, milk, Monster
  • lunch: greek salad, Triscuits
  • dinner: chicken alfredo, breadsticks (Pizza Hut)