Thursday, September 9, 2010

Gimme Some Walls

Two days down on living in the construction zone. Everything is covered in a fine layer of white dust, and I can't find 1/2 my jewelry. Time to smile and roll with it.

Construction Capsule Day 8
What I Wore While The Walls Went Up:

2010-09-01 combo
  • black skirt (Lane Bryant)
  • white sleeveless shell (Target)
  • jacket (Simply Vera via Kohls)
  • black pumps (Nicole Miller)
  • earrings (via JC Penney)
What I Ate That Went South Very Quickly:

2010-09-01 food
  • breakfast: V-8, yogurt, banana (office building convenience store)
  • lunch: pizza (take out near work)
  • dinner: burger, fries (Jack in the Box)