Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Meet the Bloggers

My bags are packed, my camera is charged, and my travel documents are printed off and ready to go. That must mean it's time for me to head to Columbus, Ohio for the Lane Bryant Bloggers Conference. I'm so excited to get to talk to the designers & execs, to go to my makeover and fashion shoot, and to preview the new collections. But the best part? In just a few hours I am going to get to meet all these great plus size fashion bloggers:

Be sure to check out their great blogs! I am sure that there are going to be tons and tons of tweets, posts, and pics from everyone.
Lane Bryant is providing my travel and accomodations, as well as a complimentary outfit as part of my participation in this conference. Lane Bryant and T Minus, T Plus (me!!) are committed to complying with FTC regulations regarding disclosure of material connections and endoresements. As I have previously stated, I am a loyal Lane Bryant customer (since the mid 1990s) and my participation in this conference and any comments I make about Lane Bryant are 100% my own thoughts and opinions and are not influenced by Lane Bryant. If you have any comments or questions about this, please leave a comment. I read and reply to all comments.