Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Another New Closet

OMG It's a closet!! People, it may not have any rods in it yet, but there is a closet in my bedroom now. In fact, it's two, two closets in one. It's basically two giant reach-in closets that are side-by-side. Rand is trying to convince me to give him some space in it for his stuff, but I'm trying to convince him that he'd have much more fun if his stuff was in the guest bedroom. hehehe

What I Wore While Admiring the New Closet Space:

2010-09-10 combo

  • purple dress (Old Navy)
  • brown crochet tank (Old Navy)
  • pattern cardi (Lane Bryant)
  • brown heels (Manolos via Goodwill)
  • brown necklace (?)
  • brown stone earrings (hand-me-down from a friend)
What I Ate All The Way Down To The Heel:

2010-09-10 food

  • breakfast: homemeade healthy pear muffins (1 point each), non-fat yogurt (1 point), Monster (1 point)
  • lunch: smoked pheasant and chicken salad sandwich (5 points?), pear (1 point), carrots (0 points)
  • snack: V8 (0 points), apple (1 point), cheesestick (2 points), SoyJoy (2 points