Saturday, November 5, 2011

Eloquii by Limited

My friend Sarah S.* is one of those people that reads the newspaper every day, so she's always up on all the latest news. She moved away after law school, so we would write letters to each other every couple of days, and I always loved it when my letters from her would come with a little some extra in the form of a clipped article. We once again live in the same city, so no more letters get exchanged, but recently I got an email with a link to an online article. And that is how I first leaned that the Limited was releasing a plus size line called Eloquii.

Now that the line has finally been released, I'm excited to check it out and pick out some of my favorite items. I am really happy to see how work-friendly everything is. Here are my favorite looks: 




Have you checked out the new line from Eloquii yet?

* Sarah should always be referred to in writing as The Stunningly Beautiful Miss Sarah S. And even though this is a blog post and not a letter to her, I can't seem to break the habit. :)

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