Monday, May 31, 2010

Questions for Lane Bryant Conference

I was at the mall getting some 1/2 price jewelry at J.C. Penney's Memorial Day Door Buster sale. It's right next to Lane Bryant, so I popped in to try on some clothes. I wasn't planning on buying anything, but I wanted to see what my current sizing is since I've put on a little weight lately. I wanted to know what size I needed when I selected my outfit at the Lane Bryant Blogger Conference.

Speaking of the conference, there are a couple of things I keep meaning to write, but I keep forgetting. Thankfully, R left me a comment today on this post and had a question she wants me to ask the designers, which reminded to ask all of you:

Do you have any questions for the merchants or designers at Lane Brant?

We're having a Q&A session at the conference, and I would love to be able ask them anything you want to know. So leave comments with any questions you have.

And another thing is from the press release that Lane Bryant put out about the conference. It says "Lane Bryant is bringing 13 of the Web's top full-figure fashion authorities to its Columbus headquarters on June 3 to celebrate the unique intersection of fashion and social media." OMG, y'all. I am one of only 13 people going to this thing. I knew it was a small group, but I had not idea it was going to be this intimate of a shindig. And I am one of the 13 "top full-figure fashion authorities" on the internet?? Wow! I blushed when I read that. Anyway, I don't usually toot my own horn, but reading that made me so proud. Can you tell that I am super excited about this conference?? Can't wait!
As part of my participation in the blogger conference, Lane Bryant is providing me with my travel, accomodation, and a complimentary outfit. Lane Bryant is a store at which I have shopped for years, and I am a happy customer even without any special conference perks.